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Can Mung Bean Sprouts Rich Be Eaten By Pregnant Women?

Can you eat it? Mung bean sprouts-rich in vitamin C, should you eat more for pregnant mothers? Mung bean sprouts, also known as Qiao sprouts, bean sprouts, Ruyi dishes, pinched vegetables, silver sprouts, silver needles, silver sprouts, and sprouts heart.

Can Mung Bean Sprouts Rich Be Eaten By Pregnant Women

Pregnant women can eat

Mung bean sprouts are rich in vitamin C, which can supplement the nutrition of expectant mothers, promote the absorption of iron, prevent anemia, strengthen the resistance of mother and child, and promote the brain development of fetal babies.

Can eat during lactation

Mung bean sprouts can supplement nutrients for breastfeeding mothers, maintain the health of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, and increase the baby's disease resistance through breast milk. Some mothers like to fry leeks with bean sprouts, but leeks have a milk-returning effect, so they are not suitable for breastfeeding mothers. The bean sprouts can be blanched and served cold or fried.

Confinement can eat

Mung bean sprouts are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, and other substances, which can help postpartum mothers prevent constipation, moisturize the skin and improve resistance. Stir-fry the mung bean sprouts quickly after being put in the pot, and add some vinegar appropriately, which not only preserves the moisture and vitamin C but also makes the mung bean sprouts taste better.

Baby can eat

Bean sprouts are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C. Infants and young children can moisturize the intestines, digest food, and prevent constipation. Rich vitamin C can enhance the baby's disease resistance, and calcium, zinc, and other minerals can promote the development of children's bones, teeth, and brains. However, since the dietary fiber in mung bean sprouts is relatively coarse, the digestive function of infants and young children is not sound, and it is difficult to digest. It is recommended that babies be added gradually after they reach 2 years old.

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