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When Pregnant Women Eat Chili The Amniotic Fluid Will Become Spicy?

Chili is a food that we can see every day in our daily lives, and most people are not spicy and unhappy, and they have to eat a lot of chilies every day to feel good. Especially for pregnant mothers who are still in the first trimester, because the pregnancy reaction causes a very bad appetite, they will want to eat some more irritating foods like peppers to stimulate the intestines and stomach. Don't worry, if you're not sure, just look at what Mommawang says.

When Pregnant Women Eat Chili The Amniotic Fluid Will Become Spicy?

So in real life, there are many pregnant women who always eat chili even when they are pregnant. What's more, some pregnant mothers have grown up eating chili since they were young. If they don't eat chili because of pregnancy, how uncomfortable would it be?

But there are also pregnant mothers who are worried, will the amniotic fluid become spicy when pregnant women eat pepper?

It can only be said that the questions asked after pregnancy has become tricky.

But this is indeed a question that pregnant women who love to eat hot peppers need to consider, and they are also worried that hot peppers will make their fetus hot.

Regarding this issue, pregnant mothers do not need to worry at all. Pregnant women will not cause the amniotic fluid to become hot when eating chili.

Amniotic fluid, as we all know, is the substance that the fetus depends on for survival in the womb.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the main amniotic fluid is the dialysis fluid that enters the amniotic cavity when the mother's serum passes through the placenta, and then a small amount of it leaks from the surface of the placenta and the surface of the umbilical cord to become amniotic fluid.

Around the sixth week of pregnancy, the fetus gradually forms its own blood circulation system, and then the water and small molecules in the body can seep out through the fetus’s skin, which is also one of the sources of amniotic fluid.

After 11 weeks of pregnancy, the kidneys of the fetus have excretion function and begin to work, so the urine excreted by the fetus becomes an important source of amniotic fluid.

How important is amniotic fluid?

When the amount of amniotic fluid is sufficient, the baby can move in a larger area in the womb, so that the joints of the fetus are more flexible and will not cause deformities or adhesions due to long-term fixation of a posture.

Amniotic fluid can also maintain the temperature in the uterus, no matter how cold or hot outside, the amniotic fluid maintains 36~37 degrees, so that the fetus can develop normally inside.

When Pregnant Women Eat Chili The Amniotic Fluid Will Become Spicy?

Amniotic fluid is also the best protection and shock absorption method for the fetus, and it can cushion the impact of the outside world.

What the fetus drinks are amniotic fluid, and what is discharged is amniotic fluid, so that the fluid balance in the uterus can be maintained.

Even when the baby is born, the amniotic fluid can lubricate the birth canal, protect the birth canal, and make the birth smoother.

As mentioned above, what the fetus drinks are amniotic fluid, and what is excreted is amniotic fluid. It is precise because amniotic fluid has such an important effect on the fetus that pregnant mothers are worried about whether eating chili will cause the amniotic fluid to become hot, which is so hot to the fetus.

And we also know that the answer is no, pregnant women eating chili will not cause the amniotic fluid to become spicy.

All the nutrients that the pregnant mother eats in the stomach will be digested and absorbed, leaving the useful ones behind and expelling them uselessly.

But what is absorbed is only the nutrition of the food, not the taste of the food.

Therefore, even if pregnant mothers eat more peppers, it will not cause the amniotic fluid to become spicy.

But you can't eat pepper unscrupulously because the amniotic fluid will not become hot, because eating too much pepper will also affect the fetus.

  1. The irritation of pepper is great. Eating too much pepper will cause too much gastrointestinal irritation and abdominal pain in pregnant women, causing uterine contraction and premature delivery.
  2. Eating hot pepper is easy to get angry, and may cause oral ulcers, sore throat, dry stool, and so on. It is even more troublesome if it causes constipation, because it may increase abdominal pressure and premature rupture of membranes when defecation forcefully.
  3. Chili contains a substance that can numb the nerves. Eating too much chili can damage the nerves of the fetus.
  4. Excessive consumption of chili may also cause some skin problems in the fetus.

When a lazy mother gave birth to a baby, a parturient in the same ward ate too much pepper during pregnancy (it is said that she could not eat without pepper and vomited badly). She suffered from severe constipation during the whole pregnancy, and she almost stayed in the hospital for a few days due to constipation. It must be dissected in advance, so I am afraid of going to the toilet.

How should I eat chili after pregnancy?

In fact, pregnancy ≠ quitting chili, pregnant women can also eat chili, of course, you should not blindly eat spicy for this reason.

  1. Chili can be eaten, but not too spicy. Eating too spicy chili can easily irritate the stomach and cause some gastrointestinal problems. More importantly, these numbing substances will also enter the body and may damage the nerves of the fetus. When pregnant mothers eat chili peppers, be careful not to be too spicy and avoid tingling in the mouth. In short, it's fine if you don't feel spicy.  Lazy mothers also like to eat hot peppers and have never stopped hot peppers during pregnancy, but old mothers can’t eat hot peppers, so when buying hot peppers, they buy hot peppers that are not spicy. They are both addictive and nutritional supplements, which can kill two birds with one stone.
  2. Women who are prone to get angry and constipate eat less. Eating chili is inherently easy to get angry. If the pregnant mother itself has a fire, it will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire, so eat it carefully. Especially some pregnant mothers like to stir fry with dried chilies before cooking, which makes them angrier. If you want to eat it, eat some colored peppers to enjoy it.
  3. Pregnant mothers with placenta previa are best not to eat it. Pregnant mothers with placenta previa are inherently dangerous, so pepper should not be eaten to avoid adverse consequences.

And pregnant mothers who usually have poor appetites can eat peppers appropriately, which can increase appetite and supplement vitamins. Peppers have a beautiful effect. In addition, if pregnant mothers have questions about other foods, can answer them all.

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