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Children Express Theirs Through Painting

Since the birth of a child, every parent hopes that their child will grow up happily. However, many children cannot express exactly what they want to say when they are young because of their limited ability to express themselves. And some children. For being a bit of a loner. I don't want to share my thoughts with my parents.

Many children like to draw or scribble more precisely, and the world depicted in their pen is incomprehensible to adults. But it is indeed a presentation of the inner world of children. Many children tell their own thoughts through this kind of painting and relieve their stress in this way.

Marlene's husband is a captain who often works at sea. They have a very beautiful son. In order to care for this child, Marlene has quit her job as a full-time mother since she became pregnant. Recently, Marlene found a painting that her son liked. But the content of the painting made him so incomprehensible. She thought that the boy was just graffiti and not taking heart.

In order for my husband to come back and see the children's work, he usually pays attention to keeping the children's paintings together. He looked at all the children's paintings again and found that the children's paintings were really strange. One of the paintings has only one child. But the child's back is facing everyone, and there are simpler ones with large circles. Draw a small circle inside.

After he sent the children to kindergarten, he returned home that day and gave the psychoanalysts pictures of the children. Determine if your child is mentally ill. After reading all the children's work, the psychologist asked Marlene. Does the kid seem reluctant to talk recently? Do you like to be alone in a certain place?

Marlene thought about it carefully and felt that her son had been really quiet all along. He's not as naughty as before. He preferred to lie in his room and not talk much outside of the painting. Psychologists told him that the child may be a little depressed due to loneliness during this period of time, and as a parent, the psychological image of the child should be completed in a timely manner.

Otherwise, a long time or something stimulating. The child is more likely to experience true depression. Currently, the psychology of children is very unhealthy and classified as a psychological disease. So Marlene gets to know the kindergarten teacher and some of the kids and finds out that the kids feel lonely because they haven't seen their dad for a long time. In fact, children's paintings often reveal some of their psychological information.

Children Express Theirs Through Painting

There Is Only One Person Or Animal In The Painting

When only one figure or animal appears in a child's painting, it clearly shows the loneliness in the child's heart. indicates that the child's heart is empty and needs the attention of others. Therefore, when parents find this phenomenon in their children's work. They should actively invite their children to participate in more group activities or outdoor activities.

There Are Some Knives Or Other Violent Content In The Painting

Many children's paintings are some cute little animals. but there are also very few children who can draw blood or other paintings with some elements of violence. Parents will find that when their children draw this content. Don't start Blaming the child, observe whether the child has had an uncomfortable performance recently and the child's comfort and convenience at the right time.

There Are Only Many Dark Colors In Children's Paintings

This is actually a very bad state of affairs when it appears in a child's painting. it shows that the child's heart has been filled with various negative elements. At this time, parents cannot calm the child's heart. Only through a professional psychiatrist, child psychology can be intervened effectively.

Conclusion :

Long ago, Freud observed that children's psychological activity extends far beyond that of adults, and his student Carl Jung even discovered that children can capture their inner information through some means of painting.

Psychologists often use the information revealed by children's nonsense to effectively assess whether the child has a psychological illness. So that early detection and early intervention can kill mental illness in children in the cradle.

Therefore, parents should pay attention to the child's usual words and actions when the child's words reveal some incomprehensible information. so that the child will not be harmed by the psychological shadow.

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